Light Features
Physics / / July 04, 2021
Light is an electromagnetic radiation that moves at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, when its idle speed is measured and here the speed is defined as C and is thus C = 3000000 km / s.
Light Features:
These electromagnetic waves are distinguished by not being exceeded in speed by anything in the nature and thus when it is translated (conducted) in other materials it shows a reduction in its velocity.
Thus, one of the forms of control that we have over light as electricity is the manipulation of its displacement in different materials.
Electric or light waves are transmitted at different frequencies such as:
- Radio frequency
- Television frequency
- Microwave frequency
- Infra-red frequency
- Ultraviolet frequency
- X-ray frequency and
- Gamma ray frequency.
Light as such (reflective) has the quality of illuminating when reflected on surfaces, and is Through this quality (illumination) we can observe all the materials that make up what we surrounds.
In light there is a distinction to be made which refers to materials, so these can be divided into three:
- Opaque materials or bodies
- Translucent materials or bodies and
- Transparent materials or bodies.
- The former do not allow the transmission of light and their shadow is totally dark.
- The second bodies allow the transmission or passage of a part of the light and their shadow is not entirely dark and
- In the third, it allows the passage of light in its entirety and its shadow is minimal.
In materials the shadow changes in size in proportion to its location at the starting point of the light waves.
Light has refractory effects, and it is these that allow the concentration of light in a single point, raising the temperature, and are clearly reflected in surface colors and types, resulting in differences in materials.
Light can be produced in different sources, and these can be observed in:
- Sun
- Hydrocarbons
- The fire
- Nuclear energy etc.
In conclusion, light is a fluid that is transmitted in waves and is found in various energy sources, its use is finds and performs depending on the refraction and reflection where the waves collide or are absorbed by the materials.