Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
The concept of industry has an important use in our language and is used fundamentally in three senses. On the one hand, the term Industry refers to the set of operations aimed at obtaining, transforming and transporting raw materials. And on the other hand, in addition, the word industry is used to refer to the physical installation, the place that is destined for the realization of the mentioned operations, and finally, to designate the set of this type of facilities that share some characteristic, especially if they belong to to the same bouquet.
From the definitions given, it follows that the concept has substantial importance in the economic plane and also in that of any region or nation of the world that promotes its industries.
Take-off of the industry after the Industrial Revolution
If agriculture in the initiation moments of humanity meant an immeasurable step on the part of man for the transformation of the environment and also for the satisfaction of their most basic needs, such as the
feeding, and subsistence in the economic plane through culture of species and their subsequent sale, Industry, it can be said, became, thanks to technological advances, the engine of economic development from the 19th century on and as a consequence of the so-called Industrial Revolution, a period between the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, in the which England mainly, and the rest of the countries of Europe, undergo very important socio-economic, technological and culturalMan always needed the transformation of raw materials into products that meet his demands
The human being always needed to transform in some sense those products that came from the natural environment for them satisfy their demands and this of course happened first with agriculture as we indicated and then it would happen with industry. In other words, there was always the transformation of materials into products and thus the industry was also always present even before the Revolution. Industrial, however, it is from this historical event that the development of this field reached a fundamental take-off that would never cease. move along…
The development of industry favored the wealth of many nations
The industrialized countries, those that had the resources technicians and factories to carry out industrial activities were enriched in an incredible way, while for their part, the eminently agricultural countries, that is to say, producers of raw materials, did not achieve the fabulous development that the aforementioned had industrial.
Although, nobility obliges to emphasize, that the capital and investment destined at the time to the industry arose precisely from the profits of agriculture, since they were invested in the correspondent industrialization of the products and in the means of transport necessary to carry out the exchange international commercial.
Extremely important when it comes to meeting basic and consumer needs
To the transformation of the raw material in a product that has a specific feature, it is known as manufactureMeanwhile, the products that we usually use and dispose of on a daily basis have been manufactured by an industrial company. For this reason, the industry is present in our daily lives and is extremely important when it comes to satisfying consumer needs and also some basic goods.
Heart that drives and keeps alive and in constant action the development and economic growth of a nation
The industry is without a doubt the heart that drives and keeps the development and economic growth of a nation alive and in constant action. Today it is impossible to think of a world without industries and that is why it is so important that nations take care of their defense and also of their promotion. A country that does not have its own industries will be destined economically to fail.
Therefore, the enormous importance of having a thriving and active industry is that countries have a portfolio ministerial that deals exclusively with developing policies that encourage it and also with managing measures for the protection of the industry itself vis-à-vis external manufacturing, which, although it is also important that it exists, should not surpass or overshadow the own.
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