Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Jan. 2009
There are those who know, and there are those who know a lot of of your topic. And, in terms of technology, the one who knows a lot, who can be a teacher of teachers, is called hacker.
A hacker is a technological expert whose knowledge of security, operating systems and / or programming, exceed not only the average knowledge of any end user, but also that of many end-user professionals sectors.
In many cases, it has approved the figure of the hacker to that of the expert in Informatic security. Although this is not necessarily the case, in general it is very common for hackers to derive their main interest towards the subject of the safety, the verification of systems and their violation, as well as the building of programs that improve this aspect.
Also in many cases (and, above all, in the past), various sectors have tried to homologate the figure of the hacker with that of a cybercriminal, a wrong approach both from its semantic aspect and from the Social.
To begin with, a hacker is a person whose knowledge - and as I have said before - surpasses that of the average, something that is independent of what he does with them later.
A thief can also be considered a security expert, just like a policeman or a security guard, only that unlike these last two who have chosen the "good path", the thief has chosen that his knowledge lead him to the "bad path".
What differentiates a hacker from a cybercriminal is the ethics of having a great accumulated knowledge of this type.
In fact, in recent times, there has been a certain (still timid) swing from the pejorative meaning of hacker, towards the laudatory meaning.
One example of this is that many newscasts already refer to those who carry out criminal actions using technology as cybercriminals instead of hackers.
Another hallmark of a hacker's character is curiosity, which leads to self-training.
This is essential, since the true hacker goes beyond traditional teachings, he is the one who opens the way and innovates, who discovers things that others have not found, and this requires recycling and self-training constant.
Hackers have been responsible for many of the technological advances that we can enjoy today.
Such is the case of the same Internet, of various operating systems (such as GNU / Linux), security programs and solutions, and various software.
Although the origin of the term hacker is difficult to discern, the majority opinion is that it comes from those who repaired phones in the 60s and 70s.
They applied a few small blows to the terminal, known as hacks by the North Americans, and hence the nickname as meaning of who performs hacks.
And since no one without technical knowledge could understand what exactly they were doing, the defining word hacker began to win. force to define those who possessed superior technical knowledge than others.
Far from the activities of cybercriminals, true hackers follow an ethic that seeks the democratization of information.
That this reaches the citizens, and that they make the use they deem appropriate of said information. For this reason, many hackers have been linked to social and political movements in recent years.
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