Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The concept of country is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and complex concepts created by human beings. which is related not only to geographical or political issues, but also to the emotional aspects of each social group, as well as with the identity and the sense of belonging. We understand by country to be that geographically delimited territory that includes a certain group of population Y natural resources. In this sense, the population that is part of a country shares cultural, political and social elements that make that country a unique region on the planet.
The country is mainly delimited at the geographical level, that is, its physical and territorial limits are marked in a more or less clear (although on numerous occasions conflicts arise between different populations around these issues). In this sense, it can be noted that the country is the most common and widely used way to delimit the territories of the planet Earth, although there are also other forms such as political dependencies, autonomous communities, regions independent, etc. In general, and at the geographical level, a country is the sphere that encompasses various more or less autonomous regions that nevertheless respond to a central political power.
The establishment of a country also has to do with issues related to culture, identity and the experiences of a particular society. Thus, the cultural and experiential products of a country are especially unique and unrepeatable since they are the result of centuries of existence of these populations as well as their lifestyles, beliefs, values and activities daily.
The notion of country is related, on the other hand, to the notion of State and that of Nation. First, the state is the representation politics of the country, that institution superior to which all inhabitants must respond in a consensual and peaceful way. The Nation is related to the country since it is the feeling of belonging and identity that unites the people on geographical or military issues.
The current process of globalization It has undoubtedly transformed the notion of country since it supposes the fall of geographical, economic, political and cultural borders that normally serve to delimit the space of each country. Although characteristic elements of the notion of country have not yet disappeared, the trend towards integration and unlimited communication is increasingly unstoppable.
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