Definition of Social Live Streaming
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Sep. 2016
Despite the fact that the main social networks have already allowed the publication of video for a long time, first attached from external services such as YouTube, and later through their own service, the immediacy they have achieved has led them to also seek the here and now in the field of video, a Format of which great success and growth is expected in the coming years.
What is sought with streaming in social networks is that any Username can broadcast the here and now in video, in real time and very easily, taking advantage of the camera that nowadays everything smartphone It includes.
It is the service of social live streaming Twitter, which works in conjunction with this social network microblogging (the login that we must use is our own Twitter user).
To use this capability, we will need to install your own app, unlike Facebook that offers us the capacity within the application of the social network. In the app Twitter mobile will not find the option to broadcast video.
When we start recording with Periscope (a very simple operation), the video is accessible both through the same app, as through Twitter, being seen on this social network in real time (personally, I verify a delay one or two seconds).
When it was released, the videos were available only for 24 hours and then were removed, mimicking the behavior of Snapchat, but popular demand led to Twitter to allow Periscope users to choose between an expiration date or keep them permanently saved, something that can be chosen from there app.
As I have commented before, the case of Mark Zuckerberg's social network is different, since there is no separate mobile application, but rather from it app which is used to connect to the social network, live video can be broadcast, either through our profile, or a page that we manage.
To do this, we will only have to create a new entry, as if we were going to publish a text or a photo, but by pressing the icon live video broadcasting.
Then, immediately, our broadcast will begin.
What use do we make of it?
From merely personal videos to the broadcasting of events at the professional, the social live streaming It works for everything.
In fact, being an incipient trend, its uses and codes have not yet been established, something that the group of users as a whole must do.
The best we can do is experiment, test and play with the different uses. Issuing is easy, we do not need more than one smartphone, and the audience we are addressing forgives the lack of a production careful, so the video can be as "home" as we want.
Photos: Fotolia - denk creative / Antonioguillem
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