What does HTML mean?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
When you intend to create a website, you often come across unfamiliar or difficult-to-understand words in tutorials or guides, such as what HTML means.
HTML is a term or language that is used to create web or internet pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
The HTML language is made up of elements or codes that at the time a browser may interpret and be able to be displayed on the computer screen, according to the data or instructions placed.
HTML has a series of gadgets such as: images, hyperlinks, lists, tables, data, etc. To be able to create or create a website, you need a text editor, and later a browser, such as internet explorer, opera, firefox, etc.
The way it is written in HTML, is as tags, that is, highlighted by angle brackets <>, with HTML you can even complement with scrip like java, and it will give a different behavior to the way it is displayed in browsers as well as in other processors.
It consists of different necessary elements, such as those that are highlighted by their data type, attributes and type of document. It should be added that the elements are necessary to structure a website in HTML, which can be observed two types of necessary properties, such as what is the attribute and content.
Attribute: The attribute is the properties of a tag. An element can usually have a start tag, and another end tag. Giving in this way that the element's attributes are in the start tag and the content between the two tags.
There are certain elements that do not have content and others that do not have a closing tag.