Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2011
The word hemisphere admits several references depending on the context in which it is used ...
Thus, at the behest of the geography, the hemisphere refers to the half of the surface of the earth's sphere divided by a circle maximum, such is the case of Ecuador or a meridian. So, with respect to the Equator line, the land is divided into boreal, northern or northern hemisphere and southern, southern or southern hemisphere; the first focuses on the North Pole and the second in the South Pole. And from Greenwich Meridian, the planet earth is divided into western hemisphere and eastern hemisphere.
On the other hand, for the geometry, a hemisphere will be each of the two halves of a sphere divided by a plane passing through its center.
And in anatomy, the word hemisphere designates each of the two halves of the brain, separated by the corpus callosum.
For his part, Cerebral hemisphere It is each of the two structures that make up the largest part of the brain. It should be noted that both hemispheres are asymmetrical and inverse with respect to each other, as happens with the two sides of a person's face.
The interhemispheric or longitudinal cerebral fissure, which is a deep sagittal fissure in the midline of the brain, divides the brain into hemisphere right and in the left hemisphere; meanwhile, the aforementioned fissure has a fold of the dura (outer meninge that protects the Central Nervous System: brain and spinal cord) and the anterior cerebral arteries and in the depths of the fissure, the corpus callosum (commissure formed by a conglomeration of white nerve fibers), fulfills the functions of connect both hemispheres by crossing the midline and transferring information from one side towards another.
The left hemisphere houses the functions of speech, numbering, writing, logic, math and those faculties necessary to transform a set of information into gestures, words and thoughts.
And the right hemisphere, for its part, is the center of the visuospatial faculties that do not involve the verbal; is specialized in sensations, prosody, feelings and super special abilities.
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