Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2012
The word histrionic is a term that in our language is used to account for everything that linked or proper to the actor
Synonym of actor, especially those that exacerbate the interpretation of emotions
And histrion, meanwhile, is a synonym for actor.
In other words, it is not a term of hyper popular use to designate the actors, however it was so in the past, since in this way the actors were called actors of theater that in ancient Greece they performed in comedy and tragedies, disguised, then the word began to be used to designate those actors who were characterized by an extremely exaggerated and imposed interpretation, and the concept was finally transferred to any individual who manifests with much exaggeration.
Then, as a consequence of the first meaning mentioned above, the word is used frequently in the field of action to to name those actors who stand out especially for their interpretive qualities, gestures, voice tones, among others, that catch the public.
Outgoing person
But of course, the application is not reduced to the acting environment but has been extended to the everyday and ordinary environment of people to be able to designate that outgoing and not at all shy person who usually becomes the center of social gatherings.
Without a doubt, the histrionic disposition is an advantage when it comes to interaction and social development, because normally this type of profile will be very funny and entertaining in a meeting, the histrionic will lead and lead the group, and his interlocutors are fascinated with him.
In some contexts and professional activities, histrionics is also super positive, because that way of being and Expressing yourself well extroverted and entertaining will help in capturing the audience's attention and preventing it from bored.
In the process of educationHaving a histrionic teacher will help in empathy with the students.
But of course, an excess of histrionics, or show it in other areas, such is the case of the politics It can be uncomfortable and be rejected, since this imposition and exaggeration in the modes can be decoded as someone who lies, who shows something that he is not.
Histrionic Personality Disorder: a mental condition characterized by excess emotion
In the field of psychic health We also find the word, since it is used to refer to a mental condition that implies a disorder of the personality,
The histrionic personality disorder is characterized because those individuals who suffer from it manifest a excess of emotion and are in search of constant attention from their environment.
Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Regarding the factors That triggers it there is no specific cause, it is speculated to indicate as possible responsible the events that a person suffers in early childhood, or the genes.
The person suffering from this disorder will express their feelings in an energetic and oversized way and they want all the time to be the center of attention of the context in which they interact.
In addition, they will worry at all times about causing pleasure and attraction in the interlocutor, from whom they will seek approval, and if they do not find it, they tend to get angry with a lot of impetus.
It should be noted that it is a rather typical disorder of the female sex.
The most common manifestations of this condition are screaming, threat suicide, fainting or any other behavior that is capable of attracting the attention of the other.
It can generally be seen in people who look seductive, who are excessively concerned with their physical appearance, and who do not like criticism at all, nor can they bear to fail.
They tend to be successful both personally and at work and perform precisely in high-level activities and exposure.
The way in which it can be diagnosed is by a evaluation In the meantime, depending on the symptoms and the level of affectation, the therapy to be used will be decided.
It is especially treated when the person shows depression or anxiety in high degrees.
Although medication can give good results, it is always recommended to accompany it with psychotherapy.
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