Definition of Homo Habilis
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2016
About three million years ago a great ice age took place that led to a climate change in the whole of the planet. It was a period of drastic changes in temperature and less rainfall in tropical regions. In the context of these climatic changes, the species of the australopithecus evolved into a transformation known as homo habilis. Therefore, homo habilis is a hominid and is considered the first proper human being. It received this name because it was the first hominid to manifest its skill to handle utensils.
Homo habilis is slightly taller than its predecessors, but its real difference is in its brain, as it is fifty percent larger than that of Australopithecus.
This peculiarity allows him to face more complex challenges and more elaborate strategies.
Homo habilis knows how to organize with other individuals of its species to hunt animals more effectively. His greatest intelligence It allows you to ask yourself questions about what is around you.
From a greater intellectual capacity, he learns to cut stones to turn them into hunting weapons. These same tools can also be used to cut the hides of hunted animals. The invention of the stone tool is something revolutionary, as this allows it to take advantage of the carrion of other animals and this circumstance provides nutritional nutrients that improve its
quality life in general. The incorporation of stone tools was a first step for other more sophisticated inventions.By having a tool in his hands, homo habilis can already experiment with it. Through the test and the error checks its usefulness. And if the utensil does not work, it can always be modified in some way until you get a really useful tool.
Technology started with homo habilis
The new way of using intelligence supposed a qualitative change in the evolution human. We could say that homo habilis won confidence in himself and with his new tools he began to transform the world. Gradually, its technological advances were being perfected and transmitted from generation to generation.
Homo habilis not only invents tools, but explores new territories and manipulates ideas to find solutions to all kinds of problems and threats. To make their existence more bearable, they live in clans and the ties between the members of the group make a primitive and very simple language be created. The articulate sounds you use to communicate become a powerful new tool. The intellectual advance of homo habilis leads him to invent something revolutionary and that would change the history of humanity, fire.
Photo: Fotolia - La Gorda
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