Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2012
The word aberration is a term that can be used in our language in several contexts at the same time, although, it should be noted, that the use that we mostly attribute to it is to refer to that deviation that occurs with respect to what is considered normal or legal.
Serious deviation from what is considered normal, moral or legal
That is to say, generally, we use the word to account for all those behaviors, behaviors, that have nothing to do with the ordinary, with the natural or the expected, with the good traditions and therefore they are unacceptable and are rejected by most of society, that is, they receive a strict condemnation moral, and if the case is worth a legal sentence for the perpetrator.
In any case, we must say that the qualifier of aberration is limited only to those behaviors or actions disgusting and that outrage the community as a whole, such is the aforementioned case of the abuse of a minor, parricide, pedophilia, among others.
Thus, for example, if a father sexually abused his son, it is common for such action to be classified as an aberration, because it is precisely opposed to what is normal, what is moral, and of course what is legally permitted.
Serious misunderstanding that triggers an untimely manifestation
On the other hand, it is also frequent that the word is used to refer to a serious mistake made by our reason, or in the understanding of something, then, the person makes a truly errant manifestation about the matter being discussed or addressing.
For example, they are talking about how to educate children and how, for example, to solve a situation of a child's tantrum, and an individual who participates in the talk says that the best thing to do is to To stop it is to slap it, of course, such a demonstration will be considered an aberration by most people, in principle because it is encouraging the violence physics against a minor, and apart because that behavior escapes from any canon and pedagogy manual.
On the other hand, when a person supports or promotes an idea that per se represents a danger or madness for the common good, for example that allows a convicted person of rape to be able to return to work in a school, it will be discussed in terms of aberration.
Uses in astronomy, optics and biology
But in addition, the word aberration has a special use in other areas such as optics., the astronomy and biology, which we will review below ...
In astronomy, the word is used to name that apparent deviation suffered by the stars and that finds the cause in the combination of two issues such as: the velocity in which the light propagates and the translation of the planet earth.
On the other hand, in the optics, the aberration will be that imperfection that an optical system suffers and that as such generates a vision with defects.
And at the behest of Biology it is also used to name a normal deviation that can imply an order morphologic or physiological.
They are also called chromosomal mutations and occur when the chromosomes undergo a modification in terms of quantity or structure.
Chromosomal aberration or abnormality
A typical example of this type of aberration is the chromosomal aberration that will suppose an abnormal situation in the structure of the chromosomes, which consists of an alteration in the number, or failing that, in the structure of the chromosomes.
In most cases they are the result of some complication, error, during the conformation of the gametes by meiosis, or in the first divisions that the zygote undergoes after fertilization.
The well-known down syndrome disease is generated as a consequence of a chromosomal abnormality in which chromosome 21 appears duplicated, adding a chromosome to the pair.
This syndrome is one of the most common disabilities suffered by human beings and that I could be more or less serious, limiting, although, it is not impossible that the person who suffers it, thanks to a education and special restraint, he can develop a quite normal life.
Currently there are specialized schools in the treatment of this disability and the boys who suffer from it can attend and be educated according to their abilities.
On the other hand, there are some scientific investigations that have been carried out or are being carried out by science that since optics of religion and the church are seen and described as aberrant, the best known case is that of the handling genetics.
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