Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2009
The term active can refer to various issues according to the context and the use that is given to it.
In general terms, the term active supposes action, effectively opposing everything that shows some level of passivity.
It is usual that people in the most common use who observe the word, use it as adjective for describe or talk about the effectiveness, speed and speed with which a person moves or acts. An individual who stands out in his work for the speed with which he solves the issues that are presented to him or those people who despite age or some other circumstance they are agile, common people use the term asset to account for this situation.
In both and at the request of the accounting, will be called assets that set of tangible or intangible assets owned by a company. Likewise, assets will be considered to be those assets that in the future have a importantprobability to become a real economic benefit, enjoying per se the benefits that the exploitation
of those goods they report. Of course, these will vary according to the type of company, its size, among other issues. Machinery, buildings, tools, land, accounts receivable, furniture, are some of the assets that a company can hold.On the other hand, in recent years and as a consequence of the loss of taboo that surrounds the theme of the homosexuality in the world, the term active was extended, adopting a new use in relation to this sexual orientation, since This is how he calls the one who in a homosexual sexual relationship is in charge of penetrating his partner.
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