Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2015
The word corral is used extensively in our language to refer to various situations.
Persecution that is exercised against an animal or person to some place from which it cannot escape
One of the most used references says that cornering is that action that implies the persecution of a person or a animal to a place from which he cannot escape, usually due to the physical conditions of the same that will not let him escape. Dead ends, and any other space that does not have an exit, are places that make it easy to corner someone.
The main reason why this action is carried out is to prevent the exit of a person or an animal, as appropriate.
In the case of animals, they are cornered so that they cannot escape and thus lose them, and people are cornered them for various purposes, to intimidate them, to cause them some harm or to hold them against its Will.
Placing someone in a no-go situation for some benefit
On the other hand, the term is used to indicate that action of putting someone in a situation with no way out and that they have no other chance but to accept and
to access to what is asked. So this behavior is mostly used when you want to achieve something from someone that would otherwise be impossible.In other words, in this case, unlike the one previously stated, the cornering is not physical.
“I told him that I was not going to pay the rent if he did not fix the problem of the supply of gas and then the owner, cornered, had no more chance than to agree to carry out the arrangement.
Leave someone confused through a strategy
And the other use that is also attributed to the word is to leave someone, through putting practice of various strategies, confused and without any response. This action is normally carried out by prosecutors or by personnel from the security forces. safety when they want a suspect or a defendant to step on and finally confess to being the Author of crime or illicit that is imputed to him.
We must emphasize that threatening, intimidating and enclosing are the synonyms most popular of this concept. And the other side is liberation.
Photos: iStock - hoozone / DNY59
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