Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
It is designated with the term update to that homework or activity that supposes the updating of something that for some reason was delayed.
One can update information for example. This situation becomes very common in companies, which, generally and according to a stipulated period of time and as a result of the moving of the companies people, tends to review the list of contact information of their customers to keep it updated and thus avoid erroneous notifications or the most important: do not lose the Contact of a good client.
Although an update it can also be done in other fields, the language for example, is another area that requires constant updating over time, since the changes or modifications to which it is subject the language in some places, means that new words or terms are being generated and used all the time that will require their corresponding annotation and updating respect of others that are becoming obsolete due to their lack of use.
In addition,
the decor of a space or even a softwareAs a consequence of the incessant progress that occurs in this area, they will need to be updated from time to time with respect to old versions. Topics in Update