Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2015
The concept of affront can be used in various senses. On the one hand, it may be the shame or disgrace that is experienced after the succession of a certain event or by some saying or commentary.
On the other hand, it is considered an affront to that insult or injury that is tipped, receives a person and that of course greatly affects his honor, his dignity and also its credibility.
Both cases presented are certainly common to appreciate in everyday life. And generally they are produced through certain declarations and expressions.
Now, we must emphasize that an affront can constitute an absolute verifiable truth, but on the other hand it can be an vile lie that can even commit a crime, such is the case of insults, when someone underhanded and crudely offends other.
Also at the level of concrete action an affront can be carried out against an individual or group. One of the most common insults that are usually carried out is against some institution important and convoking, for example the Catholic Church, usually has many faithful but also detractors who are ready to show how little sympathy they have for it. Very common affronts against
religion Christian are for example burning some picture holy, destroy a sacred place, among other acts.On the other hand, the public affront is one that involves someone public and that is also carried out before an important audience, thus leaving the aggrieved person very exposed.
We must say that an affront will always affect its recipient and will place him in an uncomfortable position because he will be making some aspect known bad or secret, before the general public, but beyond that, it will be an unpleasant situation that will affect the person to whom it is addressed in a bad way.
And finally the concept can be applied to the person or the fact that produces a scandal or shame.
Synonymous with this concept are many other words of very popular use such as: insult, injury, offense, injury, shame and dishonor.
Meanwhile, the contrast of this concept is the I respect, the eulogy.
Issues in Affront