Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
Alcohol is known as that colorless and flammable liquid, with an extremely strong odor and obtained by the distillation of wine or other liquors. Although, also, the drink that contains it is called alcohol.
Colorless, flammable and strong-smelling liquid that results from the distillation of wine or other spirits
Meanwhile, from a point of view chemical, alcohol turns out to be that organic compound containing the hydroxyl group attached to an aliphatic radical or any of its derivatives. For this question of being a compound is that there are different types of alcohols ...
The absolute alcohol It is the one who is in a pure state.
Medicinal use especially associated with asepsis
We must say that medicinal alcohol has a very recurrent use precisely in the field of medicine, especially in skin asepsis, that is, before the production of a wound, or before the doctor injects a vaccine, for example, the skin of the patient must be cleaned, with alcohol precisely, in order to guarantee that the area will be free of
bacteria or viruses, since alcohol is capable of neutralizing them.It is also widely used in this field by physicians, surgeons, and healthcare professionals. to clean their hands and thus guarantee asepsis in health centers and the non-spread of virus.
Likewise, it is recommended that people who enter and leave a health center use alcohol to free themselves from pathogens that they can acquire there or carry from the street.
In winter times where influenza viruses proliferate, it is recommended to intensify the practice of hand washing with alcohol.
On the other hand, there is the ethyl alcohol , which is a colorless liquid with a very strong odor, that burns easily and has a boiling point of 78 °.
Alcohol and its presence in alcoholic beverages
It is achieved from the distillation of products of fermentation sugary or starchy substances, such as grapes, beets or potatoes. This type of alcohol is frequently found in drinks like beer or wine.
For this reason, alcoholic beverages that have it are generally referred to as alcohol.
Its chemical formula is as follows: CH3, CH2 and OH.
“Last night I had a lot of alcohol at the party and today I woke up with a tremendous headache.”
So, there are two basic ways of producing alcoholic beverages, by fermentation (beer and wines), or failing that, distillation (liquors).
The percentage of ethyl alcohol in each drink is variable, for example, beer has approximately 5% alcohol content, the wine 15% and some liquors can contain 50% ethanol, as the chemical compound known as alcohol is called ethyl.
Psychoactive drug that generates enormous dependency
This type of alcohol (ethyl) is considered a psychoactive drug for humans, because their consumption produces in the majority a sensation from joy, of liberation, of dispossession of all kinds of shyness, this at first, but later, as the consumption of it progresses, the person may experience problems of coordination, blurred vision and at the most extreme levels of consumption reach a state of unconsciousness or death from poisoning.
It is because of this dangerous situation against health that most of the world's laws control the consumption of alcohol, for example, prohibiting the sale of it to minors under 18 years of age and through tests to motorists to prevent them from driving under the harmful effects of alcohol, which as We know it can trigger a tremendous accident if someone drives a car with a high dose of alcohol since his coordination and vision will not be ideal to do it.
People who drink too much and do not control their alcohol intake by case become dependent on it, having to consume it at all times.
Those in this situation suffer from disease popularly known as alcoholism.
It is a condition that affects millions of people in the world and is undoubtedly one of the hardest and most difficult problems to deal with. solve, especially due to the dependence it generates in the addict and to this is added if the person does not voluntarily submit to a treatment.
The causes that can lead to this dependence are many, from hereditary to personal problems that are channeled through drinking, or as a companion to the intake of other drugs.
Besides the availability Of the addict it is necessary that everyone around him, friends and family, commit to his fight and contain him in the difficult hours of giving up alcohol.
Depending on the case, the treatment can be outpatient, in a specialized center, or it can involve hospitalization to eliminate any type of link with alcohol.
And the other kind of alcohol is methyl, similar in its smell and properties to ethyl alcohol, but poisonous.
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