Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2014
The word accommodation It is widely used in our language and that allows us to designate that physical place, installation, building, either temporary or constant, in which someone lives, that is, they use it as a home to rest, eat, wash, among other normal activities that are done.
In any case, it should be noted that we use the concept mostly linked to those places in which people who are traveling stay, such is the case of the hotels traditional, apart hotels, posadas, hostels, among other alternatives available today.
To those companies, places, that precisely provide accommodation services to tourists or people who have traveled for any reason beyond the trip of pleasure they are generally referred to as hotel or hospitality industry, depending on where you are.
Now, within this broad sector we can find accommodations of different categories and that satisfy various needs. Thus, for example, we will find five-star hotels, which are the most luxurious and that provide premium services to their visitors (swimming pool, sauna,
dance, recreational activities, beauty center), or failing that with other less ostentatious, such is the case of the two and a star, which offer basic services such as a bathroom, a bed, a TV and a tackle.With less use, we find the use of the word accommodation linked to the concept of living place, which is that construction that people rent or buy to live alone or next to their family and in which, as we said above lines, they eat, wash, rest, receive visits, among other actions.
On the other hand, in recent years, the term accommodation has gained a relevant presence in the field of computing and new technologies since it is used there to designate the service that a company offers to users of Internet to store information about your Web page, for example, among other content, images, documents, videos, among others. The server has all this information and can be accessed through the internet.
It is worth mentioning that this service is also known as hosting.