Definition of domestic animal
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2014
The concept of domestic animal is used in our language to refer to that animal precisely that human beings integrate into their home so that it becomes their company. Among the best known domestic animals are the dog and the cat, although, there are also some others that can be considered as such but their integration domestic life has not been so extended such is the case of: turtles, rabbits, hamsters, birds, parrots, among others.
It is worth noting that it is also often referred to as pet or companion animal.
That is, the domestic animal is not available at home to obtain some kind of benefit from it, but simply to accompany us. Many people even integrate it to the point of considering it one more member of the family that you will enjoy all the benefits of belonging to it.
The domestic animal will never lose its animal condition but it stands out from the rest of the animals because by living so closely with the This man will teach you various behaviors and good manners that will civilize you and keep you away from the natural savagery that any animal. The mere fact of being brought into a house and not living in its
habitat natural or al air free modify that performance wild.In recent decades, the adoption of animals, especially dogs and cats, has been on a fabulous increase, and there are several reasons for this... they provide company to those who live alone, for example an elderly person and this will not only alleviate his loneliness but will also make them feel useful since they must take care of him, provide cared for.
For the kids Little ones have also become great company and especially when it comes to play, since there are some breeds of dogs that are widely recommended for living and playing with children.
And not to mention the support that many dogs can provide to a person who suffers from any disability. The use of dogs in certain therapies is proven and recommended by medical professionals.
For the blind, guide dogs, as they are popularly called, are a great guide in the street traffic, in addition to the company they provide.
Domestic animals are capable of developing strong emotional ties with the human being through fidelity, I respect Y love that they know how to transmit to them.
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