Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2009
It is known as aptitude to that capacity and the willingness that a person shows to perform or exercise a certain task, job or function, although we can not only reduce it to a work activity, but also the performance and practice of some sporting activity, such as soccer, tennis, among others, mostly require or need, in addition to the desire and good predisposition, the ability to reach good port and more if it is carried out at a professional level of required competence and for which a remuneration is obtained that is the main source of income.
Meanwhile, in psychological terms, an aptitude will also be that characteristic through which professionals can predict inter-individual differences between various people in a situation from learning future, that is, for the psychology, aptitude does not only imply what we mentioned above of a person's ability to perform correctly a task that is entrusted to him, but also refers to those cognitive abilities, emotional characteristics and from personality that all human beings gather.
According to the various studies that psychology has carried out on the subject, aptitudes are closely linked to the level of intelligence that a person has and the skills both innate and acquired in the socialization process.
Among the aptitudes that she describes and that psychology has observed thanks to her investigation and study, we find the following: mental concentration, skill musical, bodily ability, memory, skill Handbook, coordination, inventiveness, analytical skills, attention, inference, inductive reasoning, reasoning deductive, verbal comprehension, written expression, logical thinking and abstract thinking, among others.
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