Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Juan Navarro García, in Apr. 2016
Grooming is defined as the act of providing cleaning to oneself or to others, through a series of actions such as bathing, showering, or washing different parts of the body. In general, it refers to the set of activities carried out to maintain cleanliness and hygiene of the body, in order to maintain a good state of Health and stay disease free.
In the case of being carried out on oneself, this act is referred to as personal hygiene.
The space in the house where this care is usually carried out is known as "Toilet room", although the usual use of the term has ended up being reduced in many cases to "toilet". Therefore, with Toilet we can also refer to the room equipped with a shower or bathroom, latrine and sink in which this process is usually carried out.
Grooming as a factor in personal relationships
Regarding personal hygiene, the prevention disease is just one of the factors to consider. Proper hygiene is essential to maintain a normal social activity, and in fact the lack of cleanliness is one of the aspects that most influence social isolation.
People need to relate to each other. For this activity to be carried out without interference, it is essential that a minimum of personal hygiene is met, which consists of in showering frequently, washing hair and teeth, and applying deodorants or colognes that minimize bad body odors.
When these minimums are not met, social relationships they are affected, since, according to current standards, body odors or dirt are not tolerated in any way.
However, this has not always been the case, and in the Middle Ages It was common for people, even from levels higher social groups or belonging to the nobility, they would spend months without taking care of their personal hygiene, which caused all kinds of diseases. However, these behaviors were socially accepted, so they did not have a major impact on social relationships.
It wasn't until after Industrial Revolution when little by little hygienic habits began to be implanted in society, having to go back just a century ago to begin to find grooming behaviors minimally similar to those prevailing in the present.
Photos: iStock - kate_sept2004 / Alen-D
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