Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2015
Greed It is a behavior that people develop and that is characterized by the phenomenal desire to possess something, a good, a piece of information, information, knowledge, power, for example and among many others, or specify some objective, plan that has been planned or for which it has been preparing for a long time.
The wish that arouses greed is so, but so intense that it can even make the person experiencing it be able to carry out unthinkable, crazy, unusual and even illegal actions, which are outside the law.
Basically, people, naturally and without exceptions, have a greed for something, that is, we could say that it is a characteristic and identifying characteristic of the human being, who always proposes and proposes to achieve more and more in life... in his work a best position, in your economic life more and more money, and we could list many more things.
Greed and greedthey are undoubtedly triggers of greed.
Greed is understood as a totally disorderly and extreme desire that a person presents and that leads him to gather the greatest amount of material goods and treasure them. It is a
attitude that does not rest and that there are no limits because the miser the more he has the more he wants to continue saving. And there is also an extremely selfish side on the part of the miser because he in no way thinks of sharing what he treasures with anyone, not even in limited circumstances. He is so blinded by that hunger that nothing moves him.From the point of view of religion Christianity, greed is flatly condemned and regarded as a sin of which the good Christian must be freed.
For what has just been exposed is that the term greed is often used as a synonym for greed and greed.
Now, we must also mention that greed is not only linked to material issues as we anticipated lines above but can also be triggered by other situations, for example the study, or the practice from some sport, they can make the person involved in them eager to achieve success both in that study that is undertaken and in the sport that is practiced.
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