Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
The term cape accepts several uses, depending on the context in which it is mentioned.
On Geography, a cape is a small peninsula that penetrates the sea, especially if its presence affects the currents, creating difficulties for navigation. It is made up of a land mass which is projected into the sea and there are a large number of capes that are precisely very popular as a result of the aforementioned difficulty of navigation, such is the case of Cape Horn, the southernmost of the archipelago from Land of Fire. Other famous capes are the Cape Finisterre, La Punta de Tarifa and Estaca de Bares in Spain, Cabo de Buena Hope at the southern tip of Africa and Cabo Catoche in Mexico.
On the other hand, in the military field Cape is thegrade immediately superior to that of a low floor or cadet in the military ranks. Depending on the case in question, he can be considered as part of the troop and in some others he is taken as the first grade of the non-commissioned officer.
At the behest of the nautical the cape will be any of the ropes of a boat that are used once on board and according to its thickness can consist of two, three or more cords; There are different types of ropes, including: stretched rope (lost its rigidity as a result of long-term use), rammed rope (it is entangled with another), work ropes (those in use for the driving rigging), firm rope (used to hold sticks).
Also to any of the extremes of a thing they are called capes. The dog slept on the end of the bed.
The end or end of a thing or question it is usually referred to as a corporal. I have a few issues to work out and I'm done with the job.
And there are also several popular expressions of frequent use that use the word cabo, such as: loose end (circumstance unforeseen that remained unresolved), after (after), from top to bottom (completely), be at the end of something (aware of any issue) and carry out (to do it, to do something).
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