Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2017
It is a form of entertainment that has become popular all over the planet in recent years. To play paintball you need a playing field where two armed teams face off. It has two modes: the simulation of a military confrontation or recball paintball or the sports version, also known as paintball speedball.
Paintball recball
In its military mode, paintball is a fun way to experience the sensations of a real battle. In this game two teams face each other throwing balls of painting with guns of air compressed. The players touched by the paint are eliminated from the game and the winning team is the one that achieves a previously determined objective (for example, capturing the opponent's flag or occupying a zone).
Paintball recball is practiced outdoors and in natural settings or on terrain that simulates a war situation. Players wear military clothing and the approach to a game can incorporate all kinds of variations, such as the recreation of real battles, the fight against terrorism or the military simulation in urban settings.
The paintball recball, whose name obeys the abbreviation of Recreational Paintball, is a game based on the strategic movements of the players and in good physical condition.
Paintball speedball
It is the sport itself, it is played all over the world and is practiced by millions of followers. In it, two teams face each other with compressed weapons or markers with which colored paintballs are thrown at their rivals. The winning team is the one that manages to reach the base of the opposing team without being hit. It is carried out in an open-air enclosure with regulatory measures, with a part of the terrain for each team, with inflatable obstacles and with the intervention of an arbitrator that requires compliance of the rules.
Sports paintball or speedball is a sport very dynamic and totally detached from the spirit of war (it is forbidden to wear camouflage clothing, You can shoot red paint that can be associated with human blood and you are not allowed to use behaviors aggressive). In a five-on-five game there may be eight or nine referees, who must control compliance with all the rules.
In some countries territorial and national leagues are organized and in Europe a competition is played between the best teams in the world. continent. The growing popularity of this sport means that in the future it can become an Olympic sport.
Sports paintball is a game of strategy which in some respects is similar to chess. Players must move with speed, collaborating with each other and avoiding the attacks of the rival team. It can be practiced at any age, both by women and men.
otos: Fotolia - Vanoa2 / pandavector
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