Definition of Popular Party
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2016
The Popular Party, also known by its acronym PP, is the Spanish reference of the ideology center-right. Sometimes it receives other political labels (conservative or reformist center).
The Popular Party adopted this name in 1989, since it was previously called the Popular Alliance. Throughout its history it has had three great national leaders (Manuel Fraga was its original founder in 1976 and had been a minister during the dictatorship Franco, José María Aznar later led the party and governed Spain from 1996 to 2004 and, finally, Mariano Rajoy is the current president of the party and president of government in the legislature from 2011 to 2015).
A synthesis of his political ideology
The Popular Party defends the Constitution Spanish of 1978, since it considers that the current constitutional framework has been useful for the stability and prosperity of Spain. In this sense, the PP defends the unity of Spain, the equality among Spaniards and the idea that national sovereignty is sustained by the totality of the Spanish people and, therefore, no
territory you can decide about your future.From the economic point of view, he is in favor of the liberalization of economic activity, the reduction of taxes and fiscal reforms, and of promoting the figure of the entrepreneur
The leaders of the PP argue that the challenge of economy Spanish is job creation in the coming years.
The Popular Party defends traditional values: family, the Catholic faith within the framework of Christian humanism and the unity of nation. The PP is a Europeanist party, opposed to free abortion and in favor of individual freedom in the face of more statist approaches. As is logical, this general and indicative profile is full of nuances, since it is not possible to speak of a homogeneity in the social base of the Popular Party.
Lights and shadows
In its different stages of government, the PP has starred in episodes worthy of merit and others that we could classify as deplorable. Among the achievements, the following should be highlighted: a period of economic growth and prosperity during its government with President Aznar and a series of political reforms to avoid the economic rescue of Spain over the years 2012-2015. Among the negative episodes, the following stand out: numerous cases of corruption among some of its leaders and in relation to the financing of the party, as well as some controversial decisions (the participation of Spain in the Iraq war, social cuts ...).
Photo: iStock - Otographies
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