Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Aspiration of someone to any position or honor
The concept of candidacy is used in our language to refer to the aspiration of someone to any position or honor, or to the proposal of an individual to occupy a position or dignity.
Widespread use in the politics: aspiration of a political leader or personality to occupy a certain public position
Although this term is often used in various contexts, for example in the workplace or business, It is in the field of politics where it is most used and we listen to it to precisely name the aspiration of a political leader or personality to occupy a certain public position, whether executive or legislative.
Candidates with a political career or celebrities turned into politicians
Popularly, this person who aspires to a candidacy is called a candidate and we must mention that it may be a person who has a political career, that is, it is a career politician, or an individual with social recognition, for having excelled in some task, and who decides to enter politics with a candidacy. This situation is very common to appreciate in politics, actors, musicians, among others, who are suddenly tempted by some party with which they have ideological affinity and then decide to participate in politics.
Meanwhile, the parties often use this fame and favor on the part of the public that the famous person holds to add votes to their coffers.
Internal elections in political parties to define candidacies
Generally, at the behest of political parties that have a long tradition in the politics of the country to which they belong, the candidatures are determined as a consequence of the debate internal, that is, the main leaders of the party decide who are the ideal political cadres to occupy such candidacies. Or, failing that, the candidatures can be determined after holding internal elections, which their mission is precisely to define the candidates who will stand in the elections corresponding.
These internal elections can be held only with the participation party affiliates or through the intervention of the population in general.
In Argentina, for example, the PASO (Compulsory Simultaneous Open Primaries) are held. In the same political parties and alliances of parties present their various candidacies and it is the population that who decides who will be the candidates who want to occupy them in the general elections that will be held the most go ahead.
Issues in Candidacy