Definition of Sports Field
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2017
It is normally used to refer to certain spaces dedicated to sports activity, worth the redundancy. In this sense, this name refers to the places where specific physical modalities are practiced: football, rugby, baseball, field hockey, American football, polo, etc.
In all of them there are two characteristics related to space:
1) the dimensions of the land are large in comparison with other sports and
2) the floor incorporates natural or artificial grass.
These two aspects make the term field quite appropriate for the description from space. In sports such as basketball, volleyball or handball, the enclosure used for sports practice receives another name, such as papellón or court.
The name sports field is actually a translation literal from English, specifically from sports field.
Different disciplines and activities are practiced in most sports fields
Although there is no general model of a sports field, in most cases different sports are practiced in these spaces. It is common for some of them to incorporate a track of
Athletics around, since in this sport a specific throwing area located within the sports field is required.Normally the sports field has a multipurpose function. On the one hand, it serves to train and to compete. On the other hand, in this field it is common for the space to be shared by various categories of the same sport during training. In many cases, different sports can be performed on the same sports field (official measures of the sports ground to practice football and rugby are the same and this makes it easy to share the same space).
On many occasions, leisure activities are also practiced. entertainment or of a social nature, such as concerts or mass gatherings. In exceptional situations, these spaces serve other purposes, as happened in the dictatorship Chilean military when some stadiums were used for the detention of the population.
In schools, military centers and urbanizations
We can find sports fields in different areas. In large schools there is usually one of them and it is used for various activities. In military installations and in some urbanizations there are also these types of enclosures.
Photo: Fotolia - titestreet
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