Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in May. 2010
The term part is used to designate an element that makes up a larger group of elements and that fulfills a specific function in it. The part is always a portion of the total, we speak of abstract elements (such as the geometry wave arithmetic) or concrete things (such as the parts of a piece of furniture). While a part, in a divisible and biased way, may have certain features own, the set or sum total of all the parts can make each of them transform, alter those characteristics (or also maintain them) to become something superior and more complex.
In this sense, the notion of part can be applied and used in different orders of life. For example, while the most common use of the word is the one that has already been mentioned (for example, when seeking to point out the different portions or elements that make up a object such as a piece of furniture, a job, a meal, etc.), it is also common to use the term 'part' to refer to the portion of a loot or prize that each person receives. person. Here the notion of part is then added to that of division or
fragmentation.Then, the term party is also commonly used to designate the different people or entities that form a trial. The accusing party is the one that is made up of those who accuse an individual, institution or entity and the defending part is the one that defends it. These parts can be composed of a single individual or by several depending on the case.
Finally, the idea of part also applies to levels scientific and abstract, for example in mathematics, in geometry, in nature. The parts of a mathematical account will be the numbers or figures that make up that operation, while we can also talk about the parts of a set, the parts of a triangle or of the parts of a natural phenomenon.
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