Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2008
La Paz can be a state, an agreement, a process of understanding between groups, meanwhile, the harmony, tranquility and no violence, will be the characteristics present and required in each of these forms in which it occurs.
In the first case, that of state, the term is used to describe and characterize the inner mental moment of stillness and calm that an individual may be going through. When we referred to the collective process of understanding between the various social groups that make up a country, we are dealing with what is commonly called social peace. For this reason, when, for example, the press wants to describe the moment of calm that frequently follows an outbreak of society for some reason politics or economic, they often use the concept of social peace to give people an idea that this tranquility is collective and not of a single group or individual.
Meanwhile, the International right often uses the term peace to refer to an agreement or treaty that puts an end to a
conflict warlike. For example, the peace of Westphalia, because it is always customary to put the name of the place where the peace agreement was reached. As a consequence of the relationship that peace has with harmony, tranquility and non-violence, it is that peace has generally become a goal to be achieved and desired both for oneself and for others. the rest.Threats to peace
War in any of its forms and dimensions is the great threat for peace. Other situations are not as dramatic, but they also pose a risk, such as organized crime, extreme poverty or inequalities. If in a territory there are criminal groups, lack of resources and wealth is in the hands of a minority, it is clear that peace is in danger.
The fight for peace
There is no magic recipe to guarantee peace, but there are undoubtedly some strategies that can collaborate in this objective. A education based on respect and dialogue is undoubtedly an antidote to prevent any form of violence. An efficient and fair legal system allows the whole of a society to coexist in harmony.
The devastating effects of wars have prompted the creation of political institutions and international agreements aimed at guaranteeing peace. Thus, the UN, the European Union or trade treaties are global frames of reference that favor understanding between nations. There is even a paradoxical approach whose purpose is to prevent war: if you want peace, prepare for war.
The serenity of the spirit or inner peace
Being good with yourself and not having any emotional disturbances is a desirable aspiration for any human being. To achieve the desired peace of mind there are all kinds of religious, spiritual or philosophical proposals. For Christianity, true peace is achieved in a personal encounter with God. For Buddhism, the path to peace can be conquered through nirvana. Some philosophical approaches have developed strategies for human beings to find peace in their soul.
In everyday language
If we don't want to be bothered by someone we say "leave me alone." At Mass, Catholics remember this concept when they say "I leave you peace, I give you my peace." When someone dies without suffering, it is said that "he has died in peace."
Jesus Christ, Gandhi and Martin Luther King
These three characters have something in common, since the message of all of them was oriented to peace among men. Despite this, all three met a tragic end. This reminds us that good intentions are always necessary, but not sufficient.
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