Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
From the medical point of view of psychiatry, Pedophilia is a sexual disorder that makes the sufferer feel physically and sexually attracted to kids of the same or different sex, or failing that, that maintains sexual fantasies with these.
To the person who suffers from pedophilia or pedophilia, as it is also known, it is called pedophile, and usually it is an individual who is over 18 years of age and who feels pleasure in being sexually entertained with minors, the age of the minors being quite variable and dependent on who suffers it, although, there have been cases of individuals who felt sexually attracted to children as young as 3 years old.
Psychiatry, that discipline who studies it, maintains that pedophilia is a trait multifactorial of the personality, since it is composed of mental aspects, of education sexual, activity, institutional and violence, among others. Therefore, it is that two types of pedophilia are distinguished: a primary or essential
, very present in the subject, which supposes an almost exclusive sexual inclination for children and another high school , which is motivated by factors circumstantial, that is, for example, after the event of a stressful or lonely situation, the inclination arises, although it is accompanied by a attraction toward adults, with interest in children emerging at occasional times.The conduct Pedophile can range from situations that border on the harmless or the almost harmless to those that can be framed within the criminal by the consequences that they cause in the victims.
Meanwhile, the sexual activity of a pedophile with an individual under the age of 13 is referred to as child sexual abuse or pedophilia.
The fabulous dissemination and the enormous possibility of interaction in this way that he proposed Internet, caused pedophilia to advance by leaps and bounds and so many pedophiles have taken advantage of it to spread and defend their sexual inclination as well as to attract children.
As a consequence of the aforementioned, governments have doubled their efforts to attract pedophiles, as they say, red-handed. With the resource of decoys planted on the internet, many pedophiles and even more, many networks that go around the world promoting this behavior, could be disrupted.
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