Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
In general terms, a catalog is the ordered or classified list that will be made on any type of object (coins, goods for sale, documents, among others) or, failing that, people and also catalog will be that set of publications or objects that are normally classified for the sale.
Meanwhile, popularly, by catalog it is known to that publication business The first purpose of which is to promote those products or services that a company offers and on which the catalog will ultimately focus..
The catalog often turns out to be the best and most orderly way that a company has at hand when it comes to presenting the products it manufactures or sells to the world.. The catalog is composed mainly of images of the products or services offered in the company and that can be accompanied by brief descriptions, such as the price or some of the main benefits of the product. A catalog in definitive accounts is more than anything visual, a communication visual of what is flaunted or produced.
Although catalogs are normally used to present all the products of a company, they can also only be used at the time of individual and detailed presentations of a certain product which for example is just going on sale.
The catalog is a visual communication but it is also something like the meeting point that the company will have with its potential clients, that is why almost always in addition to the product or service presented to all visual pomp with its functions, appearance, materials and specifications, the catalog is a good chance to present to the company, who founded it, who works there, its objectives, its main tasks, its facilities, its more traditional forms of contact, among other information inherent to the company.
Another issue to take into account when designing or having a catalog designed will be the basic purpose of this, because For example, if the idea is only to publicize the offers of the month of a company, then, it is useless to involve a lot from resources expensive to do so, i.e. paper, caring for text, etc., being able to do it through simple paper and without much care in the design, meanwhile, when the idea is the presentation of a product or service, should be allocated all the resources of greater quality at the time of its preparation.
Topics in Catalog