What's the word?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The word is that which is limited by certain pauses or spaces when speaking or writing. This is the most accurate definition that we can point out about the concept of word, which in turn has a function or utility.
All words fulfill their fundamental role and this will depend on where it is located in the contour of the sentence. For example, some forms of words are nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. All words have a category and a function to fulfill in the sequence where they are part. Words have several missions and according to their uses they can be differentiated and classified attentive to other important aspects. Thus, in another order of things, we observe that the words can be of the type: acute, bass, esdrújulas and sobredrújulas. This is a classification that arises according to which syllable the word has the accent on. Each of them has an accent on one of its syllables.
Differences in relation to their internal structure can also be observed in the words. Thus, we can discover the existence of words called simple, derived and compound. Simple words consist of a lexeme or a minimal unit with a meaning. The so-called derived words are those that are formed from the same basic lexeme, while compound words consist of two lexemes at least and no derived morpheme, understanding as a morpheme the components of the words that represent the smallest unit of nature grammatical.
We can also classify words according to the number of syllables they have. That is why many words can be combined with each other, to give rise to new words. Currently, the term word represents a problem for experts. Linguistics has not been able to agree on a definition adjusted to this term. It is an inconvenience that can be approached from different angles, perhaps the most favorable is to approach them from the very functionality of the words.