Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
Censorship is the power exercised by the state, person or influential group to prohibit, the diffusion to a public stadium, of a news, of a book, from a movie or some document, through and with which an attempt can be made against the stability of the person or group, their subsistence and even directly against their existence.
Basically, the primary objective pursued through censorship will always be limit, control the freedom of expression, especially, in those cases in which an opinion contrary to the established order is postulated, because of course, historically it has always been from the stick of ideas where the established order is always attacked. Therefore, due to this situation, censorship is usually the most used resource by nations that observe a form of government close to what a dictatorship is, therefore, everything that has to do with the exercise of journalism and the different forms that art will adopt, will be the object of attention of those organisms that in these countries they are assigned the task of comptroller.
The prohibition to disseminate a certain news or work may be explicit, that is to say, that a law first that protects it, or, directly, make use of the force, direct coercion, to prevent the thing in question from being disseminated.
But be careful! that although before we said that censorship is usually a resource in those countries that are governed by an authoritarian regime, in many western democracies there are also cases of censorship.
A very common example may be the strategy to create a collective spirit of repulsion towards a certain journalist or television or radio content so that it is Ultimately, society is the one that ends up making it disappear, without leaving the state attached to the aforementioned practice.
Also, it is very common that, for example, it is persuaded, with some threat, to advertisers of a program that expresses itself contrary to thought that dominates power, so that in this way it loses funding and therefore is no longer profitable for the station that issues it.