Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2012
The word allow It is widely used in our language and therefore it is frequent that we meet it in different situations and referring of course to different questions.
Authorization that comes from an authority and that consents or not to do something
One of the most widespread uses allows to account for the consent emanating from a authority that it will have the mission that others do or stop doing this or that thing, an activity.
Permissive parents versus strict parents
In the parent-child relationship, it is certainly common that children who have not yet reached the age of majority, and who are therefore under the age of age, consult with your parents regarding the practice of certain activities that involve the authorization of an adult to be made.
If a Teen wants to attend a party at night must have the consent of her parents to attend.
On the other hand, there are activities such as getting married or going out of the country that require yes or yes the authorization of the parents in order to be carried out by minors.
Before the competent authority, the parents will appear and record their approval or not.
We must emphasize, regarding this issue, that there are parents who stand out for their rigor and in this sense they do not allow their children to do anything without her consent, let alone activities that are categorized as for Adults.
While on the other hand there are more permissive parents, that is, they have a tendency to give permission, to be more flexible regarding the activities that they allow their children.
Given the setting of limits, of course, the former will be more rigorous than the latter, since the latter have greater tolerance and acceptance of the transgression of norms.
Permissive parents often allow their children to go out at night, alone, and without the company of an adult, or not to attend the school if the young person does not feel like doing it.
For the father who is permissive and who could classify as strict such actions are seen as crazy and he does not accept them in any way.
Today, parents are much more permissive and less strict than in the past, since it is common for give your children space to express their opinion and even grant them certain freedoms that a few decades ago were unthinkable.
The evolution social that has existed in many aspects, and the cult of freedom that prevails today, have been fundamental in the open-mindedness of parents.
Not prevent something
On the other hand, the word is also frequently used to express the no impediment of what should or can be avoided.
Make something possible
Also allow indicates the action of making something come true, make it possible. “That desire that you put to draft is what allowed you to finally get approved.”
And the other habitual use of the word is given at the request of wanting to express the takes total freedom to do something or dare to ask or say a question to someone. “I allowed myself to come because last week you told me that I could do it every time I wanted to tell you about a problem in the neighborhood.”
Meanwhile, the word allow presents a variety of synonyms, although, undoubtedly, one of the most used is that of to admit that precisely allows us to refer the accept and tolerate some question.
And with regard to the concept that opposes, we find that of ban, since it expresses the veto or impediment regarding the use or execution of something.
Generally, the issues that are allowed are those that are morally well regarded or that have a settlement on the normative in force that corresponds, on the other hand, those that, on the contrary, suppose a violation of any rule legal or moral.
In any case, it is important to note that with the passing of time many issues that were not allowed and were prohibited, especially those that contravened religious principles, currently enjoy certain permissions that have made them permitted behavior.
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