Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jun. 2014
The word period applies to the idea of time. Time is a complex concept. Proof of this is the variety of religious, scientific or philosophical terms related to time: eternity, timeless, infinity, relative time, universal order, and so on.
If we think of the idea of period in an everyday sense, it can be seen that we are permanently using the notion of period. Because period implies interval of time and this is the one that orders our life. In fact, we have a distribution of time based on time as Unit. It is a convention that was not used in the origins of humanity, because day and night were the periods that man managed.
We automatically think of time periods: hours, seasons, schedules, school years... We couldn't live without the idea of a period. It is like a mechanism that orders and regulates our life.
The periods are measured through seconds, minutes and hours. However, the perception of them is subjective, since an instant may seem eternal to us. The experience of a moment is measured but above all it is lived.
A person's life is divided into periods: childhood, maturity and old age. And each of them in turn has multiple sub-periods. It is a way of classifying time in order to organize ourselves.
In the language everyday we are constantly using the concept of period. The adverbs of time are the words specialized in the periods: even, now, before, later, until... Each adverb temporal expresses an aspect of a time interval. Without them, the communication it would be unfeasible. The idea of time is everywhere. The coordinates of present, past and future are handled mentally and through words. The life of any living being depends on vital rhythms that develop over time. Living things are born, grow, reproduce and die. Each phase is a period.
A period is within a temporality and time is finite, and everything around us is subject to a beginning and an end. The end of one period heralds the beginning of another. As this writing is about to end. In fact, it ends right now. Now.
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