Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Sep. 2010
The well-known concept of per capita is a term that comes from the Latin language and that means in other words 'for each head'. This term is normally used in the field of statistics, whether social, economic or of any kind and it is also common to use it to do reference to different types of divisions or distributions between groups or communities of people since it always implies how much each one of these receives or receives people.
One of the most common ways in which the concept of per capita can be found is that which has to do with income That esteem averages the population of determined region. Thus, a division is made on the total figure to know with certainty a number equitable for each of the people. However, the problem with this exercise is that the number per capita does not always reflect reality: for example, if the rent per capita of the Argentine population is one thousand pesos, this does not mean that everyone earns that or yes since there may be few people who perceive much more and many people who perceive much less. The acronym used to indicate this data is normally that of GDP or gross domestic product that always includes the notion of per capita since the final result tells us how much each of those people who are part of that community.
However, the expression per capita can also be used for many other things, although they are always related to some type of figure. It is normal to find one proportion of environmental impact that a region generates per capita although, again, that figure is not entirely correct or true, but rather it serves mainly to find an average for the region.
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