Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2010
According to the context in which the word is used clause will refer various questions.
Condition of a contract that must be respected or else it will imply a punishment or the disbursement of compensation
In the field of Right, in a commercial context, among others, a clause turns out to be each of the provisions or conditions of a contract, of a law, from a treaty, among other documents. Meanwhile, these clauses that appear in these texts are strictly observation and therefore, in the case of contradicting one or more of these, surely, a punishment will be triggered for whoever fails to do so.
Normally when the non-observance of a clause is manifested at the behest of a contract, the injured party will have all his right to claim from the other party his compensation. Surely a judicial process will be followed that will seek through documentation to prove the fact of the non-compliance and to prove it, a punishment will be set, a penalty for the party that breached the clause.
All contracts have clauses that propose that different situations are fulfilled in that contractual relationship that two parties establish from a certain moment. The clauses are very common in contracts that are celebrated in the sports, concessions, rentals, performance of shows, among others.
"In one of the clauses of the player's contract it was stipulated that he could not refer to the leaders of the club aggressively, which is why before the outbreak of the same, the leadership decided to annul its contract".
Law: criminal clause
The penal clause is one of the most common and popular that can be seen in the context of civil law.
The aforementioned is agreed in the contracts, agreeing in advance the payment of compensation in those cases in which one of the parties that signs the contract incurs in breach of the contract in question. Normally, the non-fulfillment of the contract will imply the payment of a compensation monetary, although other actions may also be agreed by contract if the clause is contravened.
The main mission that the clause fulfills is to guarantee that the contract is effectively fulfilled in a timely manner, as prescribed and also avoid suffering damages or profit unemployed. The intention of the parties when establishing the penal clause, especially by the creditor, is the specific stipulation of the fine to its debtor and that in case If the latter breaches the contract, it is enough with the provision of this clause and then the creditor will not have to show damages and compensation will be made. agreed.
For example, the parties establish in the clause a fine of $ 1,000, this amount constitutes the guarantee advance of that contract and if it is not fulfilled, the counterparty in default must pay those $ 1,000 without exceptions.
Music: piece of music
On the other hand, at the request of the music, a clause turns out to be a short piece that is achieved once an interval of fourth, fifth or octave has been added to the voice that interprets the Gregorian chant and that was traditionally used in the music of medieval times, between the 5th and 15th centuries.
For it to occur, it requires at least two voices to the contrary. To the tenor line, which was taken as the base, a superior voice is added whose mission is to complement the tenor's singing.
This piece was mostly used by the School of Notre Dame, as the group of musicians was called who between the years 1170 and 1250 performed musically in the very same Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and in the vicinity of it.
Grammar: sentence
Y at the behest of Grammar a clause turns out to be a sentence or grammatical proposition, that is, a set of words that have a complete meaning.
A syntactic clause is related to other clauses through links (and / from / to) establishing relationships with them, which can be equality or not.