Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2012
The word sort out we use it mostly to account for the activity of arranging or ordering a set of things, people, among other alternatives, either by classes or, failing that, by groups.
The aforementioned organization and order that is attributed to things or issues is possible thanks to the fact that each one will observe and share traits common with others, thus allowing the formation of a group or a sub-category depending on them.
For example, within the category of wigs, they can be organized in relation to the color of the hair, the different ranges of blonde will imply a group, then the chestnuts and finally the red ones other.
It should be noted that without such a condition it is impossible to carry out the action of classifying.
The objective sought from the classification is that later, when we look for things, it is easier for us to find them, since they are in order and organized.
Generally, in those areas and places in which the amount of information or elements is very important, it is inevitable to specify the action of classifying to later facilitate the search for the material. From an office, a
library, a business and even our personal desk, will require the classification of elements at some point.And in the scope of sportIt is also common to use the word that concerns us since through it it is possible to express two situations, on the one hand, the achievement that was obtained from a certain position in a competence and on the other hand, the have reached a position that makes it possible to continue in the tournament for which it was applied.
The following terms are synonyms of this word: organize, catalog, separate, order .... Meanwhile, the concepts of disorganize and clutter oppose the term since they suppose the opposite, which is the modification and alteration of order and disorganization observed by some series or set, for example.
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