Definition of City-state
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2013
The one of city State It is a concept that allows to designate that state that only has one city and a scarce territory around him and that with regard to politics, he acts independently and sovereignly, with all the authority that is incumbent upon him. any state, even if it is within another country, such as the most iconic case of city-states in the world: the Vatican.
Small state, made up of a single city and a small territory around it and that is politically independent, even though it is within another state, as in the Vatican case.
Among the most emblematic examples of city-states stands out the Vatican City, then.
A format that already boasts thousands of years of history
This type of territorial organization has already existed on our planet for thousands of years.
The Sumerian civilization it was the first to impose this type of city.
Later, the ancient greeks were organized in this way through the calls cops.
Each of the cities accompanied by its immediate territory conformed a politically state
autonomous, both in legal and economic matters.Athens and Sparta they are the most emblematic of those times.
Meanwhile in America, Mayan civilization it was the first to impose city-states as a basic organization.
Chichén-Itzá, Palenque and Uxmal, were some of the most unforgettable.
City-states today: Monaco and Vatican, the most iconic cases
At present we find the existence of four independent city-states: the aforementioned Vatican City, Monaco, San Marino and Singapore and four that are part of countries, such as: Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen and Vienna.
Nothing better than explaining the fundamentals with some concrete examples to better understand the concept ...
The Vatican City is located in the city of Rome, in Italy, although, it is totally independent of the nation that houses it within its geographic borders.
In it is located the Holy See that stands as the maximum institution of the Catholic Church.
Its highest authority and head of state is the DadMeanwhile, government functions correspond to the Secretary of state to whom the Pope delegates them.
This is in charge of carrying out all the political and diplomatic functions inherent to the Vatican City.
It should be noted that this secretariat is comprised of two sections: General Affairs Section, it would be the Ministry of the Interior and by the State Relations Section, equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The rule constitutional maximum is the Law Fundamental of Vatican City, which grants the Pope the totality of the legislative, executive and judicial powers.
The Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State is the organ from which it is administered to the state, an equivalent to legislative power, and is made up of cardinals appointed by the Pope.
At present, and since 2013, in which he was elected according to the traditional conclave of cardinals, Francisco, is the Pope of the Catholic Church, and therefore its highest authority.
His secular name is Jorge Bergoglio and he is a native of Argentina.
Meanwhile, the position of Vatican Secretary of State is currently held by Pietro Parolin.
And the other of the most recognized city-states in the world, especially for the glamor and sophistication that have historically surrounded it, is Monaco, the cradle of a dynasty. like Grimaldi, and also a city with fascinating landscapes and entertainment such as the luxury and super exclusive casinos that have been operating there for a long time years.
And not to mention that it is a place chosen by billionaires and celebrities of all kinds to stroll through its streets, beaches and luxurious hotels.
Monaco is today the smallest principality in Europe, the current prince is Albert II.
Since the Middle Ages it has been ruled by monarchies and in 1911 it became a constitutional monarchy that has the prince as the head of the state and the minister of state, a simile of the chief of staff, who presides over a cabinet called the council of government made up of six members.
Serge Telle is the current minister of state.
The minister is traditionally appointed by the acting Prince and is always a French citizen and this is so because he is precisely France, his great powerful neighbor, who is in charge of proposing it, because he is the one who also takes care of managing the defense and safety within the Principality, hence that relationship politics so narrow, that it also occurs in other orders of life.
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