Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Oct. 2010
We understand by town a set of population small located in a limited space and that has the most basic and elementary services. Although the villages were the form of community organization typical of ancient man, today there are many villages that have little or no contact with the civilization due to its isolation in the middle of natural spaces or especially far from cities.
The towns present some essential characteristics that are useful to be able to differentiate them from the most important cities or urban spaces. In the first place, a town is characterized by being located in a relatively limited space that may vary from case to case but tends to have a small number of dwellings, which are located in close proximity and allow the inhabitants to know and identify each other easily each.
Another element that serves to characterize a town is that, in general, basic economic activities such as farming, livestock, fishing or collection of natural elements. Thus, the primary sector is the one that predominates and this has to do more than anything with the provision of
food and other elemental products such as shelter, firewood and basic materials for building of the houses.At the same time, the villages are always much more integrated into nature since they obtain a large part or all of their resources. This is why the towns are considered rural spaces in which the typical services of the cities are not yet present (they may not have electricity nor with a complex communication system, sewer systems, etc.). The villages also represent the permanence of more primitive or rustic cultural forms and, also, their existence in a more isolated and less contaminated or integrated way to that of the other nearby populations.
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