Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2010
It is called climax to the point of greatest intensity or force in a growing series, being its highest point.
In any case, the word climax has different uses depending on the context in which it is used.
For the narratology, what is that discipline which deals with studying the fundamental elements of narration, the climax is the moment in which a plot, a work, reaches its highest point, of highest tension; generally, it is situated at the end of the work in question, although this does not always turn out to be the case since it may occur in the middle of the narration, to then present the consequences that the climax has originated in each of the characters. Meanwhile, the opposite of the climax is the anticlimax, that moment of increasing tension but that is resolved without producing a final increase in tension, for example, when a conflict violent is suddenly resolved peacefully.
On the other hand, in the field of ecology, the climax refers to the more stable situation to which a ecosystem
. When an ecosystem evolves with maturity and approaches the Balance ideal and to a better exploitation of the material resources, thus increasing the trophic levels and their complexity, it will be said that it has reached the climax and the community that lives in it will be called climax community.And in matter sexual the term climax also turns out to be very frequent since in that way the moment in which individuals feel greater sexual pleasure during sexual intercourse. Climax is a synonym for orgasm.
Before sexual climax occurs the blood concentration rises to the genitals to a maximum and at the peak of pleasure or climax, contractions of the muscles of the zone.