Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
The term collateral is used primarily for make reference to something that is secondary, indirect, that is not the result of something intended but that arises as an indirect consequence. The term has been used a lot in warlike circumstances to refer in a somewhat obscure way to the damages or victims that a war (for example, when innocent civilians are killed). The word is also commonly used in the cases in which it speaks of medicines that leave collateral or secondary effects, that is, effects that can arise indirectly.
The word collateral means, in other words, that something is secondary, that it is not direct. When you talk about a collateral entry, for example, you mean that this is not the main entry. The term thus becomes a term in common use to refer to those things that are not are central, they are not planned but arise as an indirect consequence of a certain action. In this sense, the concept of collateral effects that a drug can cause is a concept that represents all those alterations or modifications that a drug generates.
substance in the body and that they do not have to watch with the purpose main by which it is consumed.When we talk about collateral damage, we are referring to the damage that can be caused involuntarily or accidentally from a performance which is aimed at generating other results. Thus, during the Iraq war at the beginning of the 21st century, the concept of collateral damage appeared repeatedly when trying to target dead and wounded, mostly innocent civilians of all ages, which occurred involuntarily by the action of troops in a manner wrong. The concept was harshly criticized by to consider that human victims can be understood as economic or material damages.
Collateral Issues