Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2010
Folder or briefcase that organizes papers or work items
A portfolio, also called portfolios, is a folder, briefcase or portfolio, generally, handheld that is used to store and transport documents, books or any other object you want, although the two categories mentioned are usually the ones that are most they keep there.
It is also a fashion accessory most often used by office workers.
Office workers usually transfer their most important work papers through the portfolio and thus it is possible have them with you in the office and at home, if you want to finish a job or follow a topic from your home; Electronic devices also occupy a preferential place in portfolios, such as: mobile, computer laptop, tablet, among others.
Although we cannot reduce the use of the portfolio to a particular profession, we must say that there are professionals who tend to make greater use of this accessory, such is the case of lawyers and accountants. The reason for this situation is found in the fact that they are professionals who work a lot with papers and therefore must have a comfortable element that can be easily transferred.
Investment portfolio: financial assets in which it is invested
On the other hand, the term is also used with recurrence in the financial field, a portfolio of investments turns out to be the set of financial assets (tangible and intangible assets of a company) in which it is invested. Commonly, it is made up of a mix of fixed income and variable income instruments in such a way as to be able to balance the risk that may occur. According to experts in the field, a good and equitable distribution in the investment portfolio will distribute the aforementioned risk in different financial instruments such as: stocks, time deposits, cash, bonds, international currencies, mutual funds, real estate, among the most recurring. This situation is known in the world of finance as diversifying the investment portfolio.
Those instruments classified as fixed income ensure a fixed return at the time of investment but with a cost effectiveness much lower than that of a variable income one, which, although it does not ensure an initial return, in the future, can report much more important returns than fixed income.
The Modern Portfolio Theory is the investment theory that precisely deals with this question that we mentioned, to maximize return and minimize risk through careful selection of components.
Use in education
For its part, a classroom portfolio It turns out to be the set of evidence of all kinds that on the one hand will allow the teacher and on the other, the student, reflect on the process of learning. It is one of the clearest ways when it comes to evaluation of the processes, because the student is used to control their learning and the teacher to take measures regarding the process; introduce changes if anomalies are perceived or follow the same path if on the contrary the results are optimal.
Compendium of works and works in which a professional or artist shows their performance
And the other reference that the term admits is to name the series of works or works that a professional presents when apply for a job vacancy, or failing that, to offer your professional performance to an individual who does not know your trajectory. Visual artists, graphic designers, photographers, among others, often use the portfolio a lot to present their most important creations and that demonstrate profile work and also to get a job.
At present and thanks to the benefits that he offers us Internet, most of these professionals have virtual portfolios that can be accessed with just one click.
Given the importance of the portfolio in this context, we must say that there are some keys to making an efficient and successful portfolio, among them are: to fully demonstrate the artist's profile through selected works that precisely show their signs distinctive; do not exceed the sample of works even if they are good; always show what differentiates us from colleagues or competence.
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