Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2012
The term collision is used to refer to a situation in which two or more objects, bodies, among others, collide violently because they are on the same road.
Violent collision between two objects or people that intersect and that normally triggers damage
Collision is a physical phenomenon that implies that if two elements are thrown at one velocity x in the same space, they will collide or collide violently because it cannot happen that both occupy the same space at the same time.
The collision can occur with two objects in movement as well as when one of the two objects is in motion and the other is not (for example, when a car crashes or collides with a wall or another car that is stationary and parked).
The collision will always generate some type of damage or alteration in the structure of the colliding elements.
Car collision: a growing and fatal problem
We can say that the collision is a very common phenomenon in our daily life and is usually related to accidents. actions that motorists take, especially those reckless and that trigger severe physical and materials.
This is so since more and more people own some type of car and in the face of the greater presence of moving elements, the greater the possibility that they enter into collision.
Let us bear in mind for this that when two objects or elements remain still or inert in their place there is no possibility of collision, it always implies some type of movement or displacement in the space.
Thus, then, when many vehicles are moving along a route, the greater the possibility that these vehicles will collide with each other.
Motor vehicle crashes or collisions are often related to the imprudence or negligence of those who handle them since there are certain rules to comply with that are not taken into account and that are responsible for generating road accidents of great importance and damage.
Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, exceeding the maximum permitted speeds, are the main causes of vehicular collisions.
Collisions of this type can easily cause irreparable damage such as taking the lives of many people who are involved in one way or another in the event.
In the last decades, deaths as a consequence of traffic accidents have increased in a fantastic way throughout the world and have become One of the main causes of mortality, by case, is that in the face of the scourge that cannot seem to be stopped, many governments have launched campaigns aimed at make aware in this sense, in addition to summoning all individuals to be instructed in road matters.
How to prevent road accidents
Knowledge of traffic regulations helps to avoid accidents, and for example, when a person wants to process the driver's license or renew it, they will be tested on the normative vial.
Another measure that has been introduced in recent times to control that people do not drive alcoholic is the performance of breathalyzer tests in the streets, of surprising and random way, that is, traffic officers stop motorists at certain checkpoints that they set up on highways or avenues to do this control.
When it is detected that the driver is driving while intoxicated, the car and the driver's registration are taken away, in addition to applying a fine.
Another measure is safety What helps a lot to save lives in the event of a collision is to wear a seat belt.
But collisions obviously don't just happen between vehicles.
It is very common to talk in the scientific and astronomical field of collisions of stars or stars that, although they do not allow us to talk about damage in themselves, they do allow to speak of alterations of the elements involved, for example when asteroids or meteorites collide with each other and thus lose their size or force originals.
It is also common for people to collide with each other, accidentally and unintentionally, for example on the street, two people are collide because they walk without looking, or at the behest of team sports competitions, it is common for two players to collide when looking for the ball.
On the other hand, the word is called with this word that opposition or disagreement that exists between people regarding interests, opinions, ideas, among others. “There has been a collision of opinions between Mario and myself regarding the consideration of government and this generated our fight and our subsequent distance. "
Collision Issues