Definition of Journalistic Scoop
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2017
The term that we analyze is normally used in the journalistic field. In fact, the word scoop is used in the media industry. communication to express that a specific medium has been the first to publicize a news item.
The media compete for the news scoop
Being the first in something is a aspiration very common. The athlete, the student or the businessman wants to be the winner over the rest of the competitors. The same thing happens in the world of journalism, because that medium that is the first to publish a news item will have "defeated" the other rival media.
The prestige of a journalist or a media it depends, to some extent, on the first fruits that they make known to society. In any case, when something new happens in the world the different media are thrown into a race informative to get to be the first to tell what happens.
Different ways of understanding the news scoop in journalism
If a journalist makes a investigation about a corruption case politics of your country, when the news appears in the media there is a
impact relevant social (statements, debates, gatherings commenting on the news, etc.). In this way, the news scoop takes on special significance in investigative journalism.The traditional scoop of the written press has new competitors, social networks. In this sense, on many occasions the first news on an issue can appear in a tweet, on Instagram, on Facebook or in any other social network. It can be said that in recent years journalism conventional it has lost its traditional hegemony.
Sometimes the news scoop does not refer to being the first to spread a news related to the present, but to the being the first to tell something that has been going on for a long time but has not yet been addressed from a point of view informative.
In a religious sense
In its religious meaning, the first or first fruits are the offerings that were formerly made to please the gods. In this sense, most ancient peoples celebrated the first harvests of the year by making some kind of offering (for example, an animal or a part of the harvest obtained) to that divinity that the people considered benefactor, for example Mother Earth in the cultures pre-Columbian.
Photos: Fotolia - Dzianis Rakhuba / Kakigori
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