Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2014
When someone commits an offense and the Justice intervenes according to finding that person guilty of it will be dictated a conviction, which consists of the concrete punishment imposed by the law for the commission of that crime. That is, someone kills a person and if the law establishes that the punishment for that act is from 10 to 25 years in prison, the sentence will fluctuate in that period.
Meanwhile, we highlight that the concept is also applied to designate the sentence of justice that contains a given penalty and also the extension of the punishment.
Judicial sentences are issued only by competent authorities such as judges and courts and are always dictated at the end of the judicial process, putting an end to the same.
Fortunately, there are convictions since it is thanks to them that justice is setting precedents in the cases it attends, and then, beyond what the law, the normative current imposes per se for a conduct deviant, the knowledge of the possible convictions for this or that case often acts as a method inhibitory to commit crimes.
Also in the language current the word condemnation is used at the time of reject or condemn certain actions, said, that are considered contrary to the moral and the good ones traditions. That is, everything that is done or said that is absolutely objectionable and unpleasant for most of the society because contrary, as we have already said, some moral value will receive a condemnation of precisely the community in the which one inhabits.
Convictions of this type, which are often referred to as social sentences, are as or more effective that those that emanate from justice itself since there is nothing more tremendous than popular rejection massive. For example, such action may leave the person condemned by society outside the social circuit, without work, without opportunities and also with a wide rejection of all that will end up affecting the normal development of their lifetime.
There are social condemnations from which many people can never return or recover.