Definition of Firstfruits (Religion)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2017
It must be understood in the religious context, most especially in Judaism and Christianity. As for its meaning, it is about everything that believers offer in the first place to God. For the conception to level newspaper, click here.
As mentioned in the sacred texts, those goods that are initially obtained at the beginning of the year must be used to honor God. The goods that make up the first fruits are three: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Each believer can interpret how he offers these goods to God.
The Biblical Origin and Consequences of Firstfruits
In the Scriptures it is mentioned that the first fruits of the earth should be offered to God to honor him. This action is framed in the context of a festival: Bikkurim or feast of the first fruits. The people of Israel offered the first fruits of the harvests to God after the first Shabbat after the feast of unleavened bread. yeast or Jag Ha-Matsot.
In Leviticus it is indicated that the first goods of the year were delivered to the priest in a basket and such goods symbolize the sacred portion of the individual effort of each man. In Jewish communities the firstfruits of the firstfruits have a clear meaning
symbolic, since they refer to the prophecy of the resurrection of the Messiah.As a result of the firstfruits that are delivered at the beginning of the year, the remaining time is sanctified by God. This happens for a reason obvious: the believer has given priority to God and in response to this generosity God offers man holiness in his coming actions throughout the year. It must be borne in mind that the firstfruits have a redemptive power, that is, God rewards those who have given them priority.
The giving of firstfruits is a way to honor God
From the point of view of Judaism and Christianity, the idea of honoring God has a double meaning: to value and love him. Thus, through the firstfruits, God is being honored and that which is given has a priority character.
From a perspective firstfruits have a deep meaning. First, they imply that God has been accepted into the heart of the man and, as a consequence, a token of gratitude is explicitly offered to him. It could be said that the first fruits remind us of three fundamental issues: that our beliefs should go accompanied by actions, that certain issues are a priority and that our fidelity to God must be renewed periodically.
In a non-religious context, the gratitude mechanism is similar to the feast of the firstfruits, as we offer something to someone who has previously demonstrated their confidence and his love.
Photo: Fotolia - ubonwanu
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