Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2013
The word constant supports various uses in our language.
That which does not change but rather is characterized by appearing enduring over time will be considered as constant.. The rain It is constant since last week, the truth is that it has all our activities delayed.
On the other hand, when It is said of someone that it is constant that what will be highlighted is their firmness and their perseverance when it comes to acting, especially when achieving objectives and goals proposed in your life. Maria is so consistent with her studies that we all believe it will be received early.
The most popular synonym that we apply to this sense of the term is that of tenacious , which precisely indicates to that person who is firm and stubborn when it comes to fulfilling a mission that she longs for.
Also, we use the word to indicate what is repeated. Juan is very naughty, I constantly have to be warning him that if he does not attend the class I will admonish him. Bad luck in love is a constant in my life.
Another use of the term at hand is given at the request of the scope of mathto refer to that variable that has a fixed, permanent value in a process or calculation, that is, it remains the same, does not vary over time.
In the physical It is also possible that we find this type of constant type variables, one of the most classic and clear examples being that of the velocity of the light, since it remains constant and the same, regardless of the conditions that arise.
And in the computing, more precisely in the programming, in addition, there are constant variables, that is, values that are fixed and that in no way can be modified during the execution of a program. The variable information appears stored in a protected area of the memory of the computer.
It should be noted that the opposite term is that of inconstant because it precisely indicates that or that which is not stable or permanent but, on the contrary, changes very easily either the behavior, the thought, the emotion, among other issues.
Constant Topics