Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2013
The word prolong we use it mostly in two senses, on the one hand associated with time and on the other hand to space.
If a room in a house is enlarged, we will express that it has been extended in order to gain space, normally the action has this mission. It should be noted that the term of enlarge, one of the most used synonyms of the word prolong, is the one most used in our language precisely to indicate the enlargement of a space. Meanwhile, in the field of architecture It is where we will most find this sense of the word since it is the discipline that formally deals with the extension or expansion of spaces in a house, an office, among others.
A professional of architecture just by looking at the blueprints of the building You will know whether or not it is possible to carry out the extension and under what conditions.
Whereas when we refer to prolonging in temporal matters what is done is make something, a event, an event, lasts longer than usual. It is so pleasant to be together with all of you that I would like to extend the time and that the meeting. For this use of the word we also find another synonym for job very popular as is to delay.
Continuing with the issues of time and space in focus, when something extends in time or space we say that it has prolonged or prolonged. The only thing I don't like about the house is the long balcony it has. I didn't see my ex for a long time and that helped me forget about it.
In other words, when any question turns out to be spread over time. In any setting and situation, it is common for the aforementioned terms of prolong and prolonged to be used.
Meanwhile, the opposing concepts are those of abbreviate and shorten , which refer precisely to reducing to less, either a time or a space.
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