Relationship Between Magnetic And Electric Field
Physics / / July 04, 2021
Electromagnet: It is an insulated copper wire solenoid with a soft iron core, when a current passes through the solenoid it becomes a powerful magnet.
Oersted's experiment: Professor Oersted (1777-1851) in 1820, in an experiment with his students to show that there was no interaction between magnetism and electricity, approached a wire with current parallel to a compass and was perplexed to see the compass move until it was perpendicular to the wire: The relationship between electricity and electricity had been discovered! magnetism!
Field induction: Every conductor that carries an electric current forms a magnetic field with the following characteristics: It is formed by circular magnetic lines concentric with the current electrical; the field weakens when moving away from the conductor and the direction of the field can be located with the so-called right-hand rule.
Magnetic force acting on a charged particle: It is a circular force that varies according to the charge of the particle (they are contrary), in addition all mobile charge is surrounded by a magnetic field.
Magnetic force acting on a conductor: It is a continuous circular force, in the same sense, that varies in intensity and size according to the charge of the electric current that passes through the conductor.
Light as an electromagnetic wave: Electromagnetic radiation that affects vision. Its energy is transported by photons along a wave field. The main characteristics of the light are:
1. Rectilinear propagation.
2. Reflection.
3. Refraction.
Speed of light: It depends on the material means in which it spreads.
c = 3x108 m / s (in vacuum)
v = 2.25x108 m / s (in water)
Electromagnetic theory states that light propagates as oscillatory transverse fields. The energy is distributed in the same way between the electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other.
Electromagnetic spectrum: The electromagnetic spectrum is continuous; there are no gaps between one form of radiation and another. It is divided into eight main regions:
1) Long radio waves 5) Ultraviolet region
2) Short radio waves 6) X-rays
3) Infrared region 7) Gamma rays
4) Visible region 8) Cosmic photons
The frequency range of the spectrum is very large. The wavelength X of electromagnetic radiation and its frequency f are related to the equation:
f = frequency (Hz)
x= wavelength (m)
c = speed of light (m / s)
c = fx
The unit of x is the nanometer (nm): 1 nm = 10-9 m
Ampere's Law - Maxwell: In every magnetic field generated by constant currents, the circulation of the magnetic induction on a closed curve equals the algebraic sum of the currents that comprise the curve multiplied by its coefficient of magnetic permeability in the vacuum.
Faraday and Henry's Law: An induced current is generated in a coil when there is a flux variation, not the magnitude of flux being of interest, but the speed with which its variation occurs.