Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2013
The word to provoke is a term in popular use that allows us to express various actions and issues.
One of its most common uses is to express the production Of something; to originate, to cause something, that is precisely provoking. Poor calcium intake can lead to serious problems with Health in the bones. With that negligent use of fire, Maria could have caused a real tragedy in his house.
It is also common for us to use the word provoke when someone intends, based on their comments, gestures or actions, to irritate the mood of another person, with the clear mission that he responds to him and thus become a fight or a discussion. His xenophobic comments provoked the ire of the meeting attendees and they all ended up throwing him out.
Regarding sexualityLikewise, we find a special reference to the word since it is frequently used to express that a person proposes with the actions and sayings of her, among others, to encourage, arouse the sexual desire of another in an absolutely intentional way
, that is, with the clear purpose to seduce him and thus obtain sexual pleasure with that person who is invoked. Laura does not stop provoking her neighbor with her openly sexual comments.It should be noted that we also use this concept to describe the way in which an individual who likes to call the attention from, for example, their way of dressing, speaking, acting that goes against what society or community imposes. Juan is characterized by provoking at every step. Meanwhile, the individual who per se behaves in this way is called provocative.
And in some Spanish-speaking parts, the word provoke has an extremely common use in the languagecolloquial using it to refer fancy something. It makes me eat meat tonight.
Irritate and produce are some of the synonyms that we use the most in relation to this term, meanwhile, the word that is used to refer to the opposite is that of appease, which precisely supposes the calming down, of cold cloths, on some critical issue.
Themes in Provoke