Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2011
The word Cortex supports various uses ...
To that outside of the trunk and branches of plants and trees it is designated as the cortex.
The bark of trees and plants fulfills the function of protect the woodand it is composed of three layers: the phloem, the phellogen and the vascular cambium. It represents between 10 and 15% of the weight of the tree in question.
From the bark we realize that it is a really old tree.
On the other hand, the word cortex is frequently used to refer to that external and hard piece that some fruits or other objects present. Please peel off the apple before eating.
On the other hand, at the request of the anatomy, the term cortex is usually used to denote to the external fraction of the organs of the human body. Is he mantle of nervous tissue that covers the cerebral, left and right hemispheres right, a thin layer of gray matter, usually six neurons thick; It is precisely in this in which the imagination occurs, the thought, the trial, the decision and the perception. Has seriously damaged cerebral cortex.
Likewise, the crust is a denomination of the gastronomic field, since in that way the fried pork skin and served as an appetizer. In addition to cheeses and hams, the picada contained rinds.
Also, the word cortex designates the exteriority of something non-material. She has put such a large crust between the two that I find it really difficult to get close to her.
For its part, the Earth crustIt is the outer rocky layer of the planet earth and of which the I usually. It is quite thin, with a thickness that ranges between 7 (ocean floor) and 70 km. (mountainous areas). Among the most numerous component elements, the following stand out: silicon, aluminum, magnesium and oxygen. It is the result of the igneous processes and the temperature that it presents will be directly proportional to the depth in which it is, increasing one degree centigrade every 33 meters in depth.
Themes in Bark